Fire Marshal Inspections
Whether you’re applying for your Certificate of Occupancy or it’s time for your Annual Fire Protection Inspections, you can bet your local Fire Inspectors will be out looking for deficiencies that may result in fines or possible closures of your place of business. Your Inspector may be employed by the City Fire Prevention Department, or they could be a private contractor hired to provide Inspection services. Some Inspectors will schedule their arrival with you weeks in advance to allow you time to prepare, while others prefer the surprise “pop-in” method, each city tends to be a little different but just know that they have the legal right to enter your property no matter if you’re the outright owner or not. These Inspectors are trained to find possible Fire and Life Safety hazards ranging from blocked egresses and deficient Emergency Lighting to inoperable Fire Extinguishers or Fire Alarms. It’s important to remember that they are there for your safety, and while their goal isn’t to write fines or shut down Facilities, they may very well do so if corrective measures aren’t taken after your Inspection is failed. A vast majority of all Fire Protection Extinguishers (Fire Extinguishers, Alarms, Sprinklers, and Kitchen Systems) must be maintained and inspected on either a 6-month or yearly basis, if your equipment is not up to date the Inspector will usually give you a 2-4 week grace period to schedule service and will then follow up with a “re-inspection” which can be done by the Fire Inspector or actual Firefighter’s in your district. Hopefully you’ll never have to deal with the re-inspection process but if you do, it’s not the end of the world, Fire Protection Companies like IGH Health, Fire, & Safety are familiar with all Fire and Life Safety Codes to ensure you pass the next inspection with flying colors and most provide same day or flexible service to accommodate your busy schedule.
If you’re in need of Fire Protection or Life Safety Inspections, Service, or Maintenance contact us today at (817) 809-8677 or email us at

Thanks for reading, and as always, if you ever have any questions or comments please feel free to reach out to our office!
Brent Bousquet, President
IGH Health, Fire, & Safety
Office: (817) 809-8677