Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Required Fire Extinguisher Training
Per requirements outlined in AC 150/5230-4B, Aircraft Fuel Storage, Handling, Training, and Dispensing on Airports, employees governed by the FAA must complete “Hands-On” Portable Fire Extinguisher Training every two years. The intent of this training is to familiarize employees with the weight of different extinguishers, how it feels to discharge various live extinguishers, and how to effectively extinguish a fire depending on the type and size of fuel burning. While the FAA recommends using a Live Fire Training Prop, they understand it may not always be possible due to facility or insurance limitations, meaning they will accept recurrent training conducted with “realistic” training devices if necessary. No matter what training is performed, a Licensed Fire Extinguisher Technician or Certified Fire Instructor must conduct these hands-on trainings.